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What is happening in the Catholic Church? Veteran Vaticanist Robert Moynihan and other Catholic luminaries bring you fascinating, unbiased interviews and thoughtful discussion.
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Live Streamed on January 5, 2024 11:02 AM ET
Live with Robert Moynihan

Dr. Moynihan will discuss the first anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI's death and the conference held in his memory in Rome. He will also discuss Benedict's biographer Peter Seewald and how the long interview that Seewald recently gave has been received throughout the Church.

Join us Live so you can join the conversation - ask Dr. Moynihan any question that you may have on your mind.

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March 25, 2024
Navigating the Liturgy War - Livestream with Matt Gaspers

Sign up here to be notified with more information for the next Pilgrimage and Retreat with Father Murr: https://forms.gle/FTcikttdzqxYF8hD7

March 25, 2024
Vatican News Week in Review: Live Analysis with Iben Thranholm | Friday Wrap-Up

Sign up here to be notified with more information for the next Pilgrimage and Retreat with Father Murr: https://forms.gle/FTcikttdzqxYF8hD7

March 19, 2024
Salvation in a Suitcase - Live stream with Dr. Richard Duplantis

Dr. Richard Duplantis of Southern Liturgicals speaks with Dr. Moynihan.

SIGN UP FOR THE FREE MOYNIHAN LETTERS: https://insidethevatican.com/moynihanletters/

JOIN US on pilgrimage June 1 - 12, 2024! We will Journey towards the Face of Christ -- Florence, Assisi, Norcia, Loreto, Lanciano, San Giovanni Rotondo, Manoppello and Rome. https://tri.ps/8Vh7d

Letter 18, 2024, Monday, June 10: An old Italian priest

An old Italian priest just gave a remarkable interview to an Italian Catholic journalist, Cinzia Notaro.

Why remarkable?

Because the priest’s words are clear, sensible, and… Catholic.

May they be a comfort and inspiration for many.

The original text, in Italian, was published this morning on Marco Tosatti‘s blog, Stilum Curiae, here.

Here below is the full text in English. —RM


Letter 16, 2024, Monday, June 3: Corpus Christi

Pope Francis celebrated the Feast of Corpus Christi yesterday in Rome. The celebration began with a Mass in the Basilica of St. John Lateran (on the opposite of the city from the Vatican and St. Peter’s) followed by a Eucharistic procession down via Merulana to St. Mary Major.

Corpus Christi (Latin for “The body of Christ”) falls between late May and the middle of June, on the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday (60 days after Easter). In some countries the festival is celebrated on the Sunday following Trinity Sunday.

The Feast celebrates the great mystery of Christ’s nature and presence, and of our “incorporation” into that mystery, that sacrament, for the Greek word “mysterion” is in Latin the word “sacramentum” — that which makes holy. The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Paragraphs #774- 776) explains the meaning of the word Sacrament: “The Greek word mysterion was translated into Latin by two terms: mysterium and sacramentum. In later usage, the term ...

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Letter 15, 2024, Tuesday, May 28: Francis surprises

At a closed-door meeting with the Italian bishops during their Plenary Assembly May 20 in Rome, Pope Francis advised against admitting homosexuals to the seminary, and reportedly used a slang term to refer to homosexual behavior which many in Italy and around the world found offensive in his answer… (Photo Credit: Vatican Media)

“There is already too much ‘faggotry’… It is better not to ordain someone with these tendencies.” —Pope Francis on May 20, when asked by Italian bishops about the idea of accepting homosexuals into Catholic seminaries

“The Pope says that we need to speak clearly, with ‘yes’ and ‘no,’ without always bogging everything down with indigestible ambiguities that make everything go smoothly. This attitude seems crazy to… all the conformists of our time… Long live the Pope’s inappropriate words, long live the carelessness of Francis.” — Mario Andinolfi, outspoken traditional Catholic journalist, politician and blogger in the Catholic online journal edited by Marco Tosatti, Stilum Curiae...

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